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California Q's - Late-Night Programming

Does your theatre regularly schedule 'late-night' programming, or programming other than your regularly scheduled productions?

What types of programming do you have besides your regularly scheduled productions?


Comedy/Stand Up


Plays, but with 'edgier' topics or subjects

Visiting shows from other local theater companies

"We also provide a week long morning production for school kids 3 times a year highlighting the life of an important person in history (i.e. Ben Franklin, Florence Nightingale)."

What is your goal with late-night or off-schedule programming?

Increase revenue

Increase audience

Fulfill our mission

Offer opportunities for performers or groups without their own space

Create an option to perform productions that don't quite work as one of our regular performance spots

What are the challenges with late-night or off-schedule programming?

Conflicting scheduling with stage

Finding staff for box office, house management, etc

Filling the calendar

Promoting the performances

Content is 'edgier' and negative feedback is received

Attendance is low

Attendance is unpredictable

Selling tickets because performances are not part of regular season

Mounting a one-night only production using sets from our regular production

"We stopped presenting stand up because it was more work than it was worth and did not increase audience at our regular productions. We annually present programming, free to schools, to encourage the next generation of theatre makers and theatre goers. We also occasionally present theatre which is advocating for particular issues. Most recently we hosted theatre against sex trafficking."

What are your successes and benefits of late-night or off-schedule programming?

"We do not do late night programming at all. But we do allow for calendar space for black box performances, "special performances" which are partnerships as in a split of the house with some groups and of course rental of the space which we encourage for those that wish. We will often work a split of the house and that will include our part in promoting etc. If it is a rental then they are on there own, but we have requirements like they must use our head of house or usher and our tech manager. We feel must maintain a sense of place for our old theatre, we give any audience the professionalism we require for everybody that enters and we protect our assets."


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